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.psp Extension - List of programs that can open .psp files

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .psp extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
ACDSee5.exeACDSeeACDSeeACD Systems, Ltd.Print with ACDSee, Open with ACDSeeLow
ACDSee8.exeACDSeeACDSee ApplicationACD Systems Ltd.Modifica con ACDSee, Stampa con ACDSee, Apri con ACDSeeLow
ACDSee8Pro.exeACDSee ProACDSee Pro ApplicationACD Systems Ltd.Bearbeiten mit ACDSee Pro, Drucken mit ACDSee Pro, Importieren mit ACDSee ProLow
ACDSeeQV12.exeACDSee Photo Manager 12ACDSee Photo Manager 12ACD Systems International Inc.Mit ACDSee Foto-Manager 12 bearbeiten, Mit ACDSee Foto-Manager 12 drucken, Mit ACDSee Foto-Manager 12 ansehenLow
ACDSeeQVPro2.exeACDSee Quick ViewACDSee Pro 2 Photo ManagerACD SystemsEdit with ACDSee Pro 2, Print with ACDSee Pro 2, Open with ACDSee Pro 2Low
ACDSeeQVPro4.exeACDSee Quick ViewACDSee Pro 4ACD Systems International Inc.Process with ACDSee Pro 4, Print with ACDSee Pro 4, View with ACDSee Pro 4Low
ACDSeeQVPro6.exeACDSee Quick ViewACDSee Pro 6ACD Systems International Inc.Develop with ACDSee Pro 6, Edit with ACDSee Pro 6, Print with ACDSee Pro 6, View with ACDSee Pro 6Low
apc.exeAshampoo Photo CommanderAshampoo Photo Commander 11Ashampoo Media GmbH & Co. KGexplore, open, printLow
Artist.exeJohn Paul Chacha's Chasys Draw IESChasys Draw IES ArtistJohn Paul Chacha's LabEdit in IES, Print in IESLow
codedcolor.exeCodedColor PhotoStudioCodedColor PhotoStudio1STEIN GmbHEdit with CodedColor, Browse with CodedColor, Open, PreviewLow
Converter.exeJohn Paul Chacha's Chasys Draw IESChasys Draw IES ConverterJohn Paul Chacha's LabConvert in IESLow
FREEFILEVIEWER.exeFree File ViewerFree File ViewerBitberry SoftwareopenLow
gimp-2.6.exe   openMedium
gimp-2.8.exeGNU Image Manipulation ProgramGNU Image Manipulation ProgramSpencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development TeamopenHigh
ImgBurn.exeImgBurnImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!LIGHTNING UK!Brennen mit ImgBurnLow
i_view32.exeIrfanView 32-bitIrfanView 32-bitIrfan SkiljanopenMedium
i_view32.exeIrfanViewIrfanViewIrfan SkiljanopenVery High
i_view64.exeIrfanView 64-bitIrfanView 64-bitIrfan SkiljanopenMedium
i_view64.exeIrfanView 64-bit for Win7, Win8, Win10, Win11IrfanView 64-bitIrfan SkiljanopenMedium
Paint Shop Pro 9.exePaint Shop Pro 9Paint Shop Pro 9Jasc Software, Inc.openLow
Paint Shop Pro.exePaint Shop Pro 8Paint Shop Pro 8Jasc Software, Inc.OpenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CCAdobe Photoshop CCAdobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2021Adobe Photoshop 2021AdobeopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenHigh
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2022Adobe Photoshop 2022AdobeopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CSAdobe Photoshop CSAdobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CS5.1Adobe Photoshop CS5.1Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CS Middle East VersionAdobe Photoshop CS Middle East VersionAdobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2018Adobe Photoshop CC 2018Adobe Systems IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2020Adobe Photoshop 2020AdobeopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2024Adobe Photoshop 2024AdobeopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2014Adobe Photoshop CC 2014Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CS5Adobe Photoshop CS5Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenHigh
Photoshop.exeAdobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015.5Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2019Adobe Photoshop CC 2019Adobe Systems IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2025Adobe Photoshop 2025AdobeopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2015Adobe Photoshop CC 2015Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenMedium
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CS2Adobe Photoshop CS2Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2023Adobe Photoshop 2023AdobeopenLow
Photoshop.exe   openLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CS4Adobe Photoshop CS4Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenHigh
PhotoshopelementsEditor.exeAdobe Photoshop ElementsPhotoshop Elements EditorAdobe Systems IncorporatedopenLow
PhotoshopelementsEditor.exeAdobe Photoshop Elements 6.0Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 (Editor)Adobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
Photoshp.exeAdobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe Systems, IncorporatedopenLow
photoshp.exe   openLow
Psp.exePaint Shop Pro 6Paint Shop Pro 6Jasc Software,, print, printtoLow
psp.exePaint Shop Pro 7Paint Shop Pro 7Jasc Software, Inc.Open, Print, Print ToLow
ReadHRPT.exeHRPT ReaderHRPT reader applicationDavid J Taylor, EdinburghHRPT processLow
runemacs.exeEmacsGNU Emacs: The extensible self-documenting text editorFree Software Foundationhex dump with EmacsLow
smplayer.exe   openLow
Viewer.exeJohn Paul Chacha's Chasys Draw IESChasys Draw IES ViewerJohn Paul Chacha's LabView in IESLow

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .psp extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
 ACDSee Pro 4 PSP Image  ID_PSP.aplID_PSP, ACD Systems, Ltd.Low
 ACDSee Pro 2.0 PSP Image  ID_PSP.aplID_PSP, ACD Systems, Ltd.Low
 ACDSee Foto-Manager 12 PSP Bild  ID_PSP.aplID_PSP, ACD Systems, Ltd.Low
 PSP Image  codedcolor.exeCodedColor PhotoStudio, 1STEIN GmbHLow
ACDSee 8.0.pspImmagine ACDSee 8.0 PSP  ID_PSP.aplID_PSP, ACD Systems, Ltd.Low
ACDSee Pro.pspACDSee Pro PSP Bild  ID_PSP.aplID_PSP, ACD Systems, Ltd.Low
ACDSee.pspACDSee PSP Image application/x-paintshopproID_PSP.aplID_PSP, ACD Systems, Ltd.Low
ChasysDrawIES.File.pspPaintShop Pro Image  cfg_Files.exe Configuration Utility for Chasys Draw IES, John Paul Chacha's LabLow
FreeFileViewer.PSPPSP File  FREEFILEVIEWER.exeFree File Viewer, Bitberry SoftwareLow
GIMP-2.0-pspJasc PaintShopPro image  gimp-2.6.exe Medium
GIMP-2.0-pspIrfanView PSP Fileimageapplication/x-paintshopproi_view32.exeIrfanView, Irfan SkiljanLow
GIMP-2.8-pspPaintShopPro Imageimageimage/pspimageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow
GIMP-2.8-pspCorel PaintShopPro image  gimp-2.8.exeGNU Image Manipulation Program, Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development TeamMedium
IrfanView.PSPIrfanView PSP File  i_view32.exeIrfanView, Irfan SkiljanVery High
PaintShopPro8.ImagePaint Shop Pro Image  _C3EF9CB7_27C6_4BBE_B600_402AF1BD8EBB Low
PaintShopPro9.ImagePaint Shop Pro 9 Image    Low
PaintShopProPhotoXI.ImagePaint Shop Pro Image image/x-pspCorel.ico Low
Photoshop.PreferencesFileACDSee Pro 6 PSP Image  ID_PSP.aplID_PSP, ACD Systems, Ltd.Low
Photoshop.PreferencesFile   Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Systems, IncorporatedVery High
Photoshop.PreferencesFileIrfanView PSP File  i_view32.exeIrfanView, Irfan SkiljanMedium
Photoshop.PreferencesFileACDSee Photo Manager 12 PSP Image  ID_PSP.aplID_PSP, ACD Systems, Ltd.Low
PSP6.ImagePaint Shop Pro 6 Image  Psp.exePaint Shop Pro 6, Jasc Software, Inc.Low
PSP7.ImagePaint Shop Pro 7 Image    Low
pspfilePaint Shop Pro-Bild    Low
psp_auto_fileCorel PaintShop Pro imageimageimage/x-pspmspaint.exePaint, Microsoft CorporationLow
SageThumbsImage.pspPaintShopPro Imageimageimage/pspimageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow

Registry keys related to this extension


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