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.mp3 Extension - List of programs that can open .mp3 files

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .mp3 extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
1by1.exe1by11by1 - The Directory PlayerMartin PeschopenLow
ACDSeeQVPro2.exeACDSee Quick ViewACDSee Pro 2 Photo ManagerACD SystemsOpen with ACDSee Pro 2Low
AIMP3.exeAIMP3AIMP3AIMP DevTeamopenLow
Billy.exe   OpenLow
bsplayer.exeBSPlayer Pro v2.53BS.PlayerWebtehEnqueue in BSPlayer, Play in BSPlayerLow
coolplayer.exe   CoolPlayer Play, CoolPlayer Queue, OpenLow
expressburn.exe Express Burn Disc Burning SoftwareNCH SoftwareConvert sound file, Edit sound fileLow
FantasyDVDPlatinum.exeFantasyDVD PlatinumFantasyDVD PlatinumFantasy Software StudiosPlay in FantasyDVDLow
foobar2000.exefoobar2000 Applicationfoobar2000 Enqueue in foobar2000, Open in foobar2000, Play in foobar2000High
FREEFILEVIEWER.exeFree File ViewerFree File ViewerBitberry SoftwareopenLow
GOM.exeGOM PlayerGOM PlayerGretech Corp.openLow
inventoria.exe Inventoria Stock ManagerNCH SoftwareConvert sound fileLow
iTunes.exeiTunesiTunesApple Inc.Open, PlayVery High
i_view64.exeIrfanView 64-bitIrfanView 64-bitIrfan SkiljanopenLow
keyblaze.exeKeyBlazeKeyBlaze Typing TutorNCH SoftwareConvert sound file, Edit sound fileLow
KMP3.exeAudioGrailAudioGrailKC SoftwaresOpen with AudioGrailLow
KMPlayer.exeThe KMPlayerThe KMPlayerPandora.TVEnqueue in KMP, open, Play in KMPLow
LameXP.exeLameXP - Audio Encoder Front-EndLameXP - Audio Encoder Front-EndFree Software FoundationConvert this file with LameXP v4.16Low
LameXP.exe   Convert this file with LameXP v4.12Low
MediaInfo.exe   MediaInfoVery High
MediaInfo.exeMediaInfoRead info about media fileshttp://mediainfo.sourceforge.netMediaInfoVery High
MediaMonkey.exeMediaMonkeyMediaMonkey - Audio LibraryVentis Media Inc.Play in MediaMonkey, Play next in MediaMonkey, Play last in MediaMonkey, openLow
mmjblaunch.exeMUSICMATCH JukeboxMUSICMATCH JukeboxMUSICMATCH, Inc.Open, PlayLow
Mp3tag.exeMp3tagMp3tag - the universal Tag editorFlorian HeidenreichEdit in Mp3TagLow
mpc-be64.exeMPC-BE x64MPC-BE x64MPC-BE TeamopenLow
mpc-hc.exeMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC playlist, Play with MPCMedium
MPC-HC.exeMPC-HCMPC-HCMPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC playlist, Play with MPC-HCLow
mpc-hc.exe   openLow
mpc-hc.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCLow
mpc-hc64.exeMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMPC-HC TeamopenLow
mpc-hc64.exeMPC-HCMPC-HCMPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC playlist, Play with MPC-HCLow
mpc-hc64.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCLow
mpc-hc64_nvo.exeMPC-HCMPC-HC x64MPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC playlist, Play with MPC-HCLow
mplayer2.exeDirectShowWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft CorporationOpen, PlayLow
mplayerc.exeMedia Player ClassicMedia Player ClassicGabestAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCLow
mplayerc.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCMedium
photopad.exePhotoPadPhotoPad Image EditorNCH SoftwareEdit with PhotoPad, Convert video file, Edit video fileLow
photostage.exePhotoStagePhotoStage Slideshow ProducerNCH SoftwareConvert sound file, Edit sound fileLow
pixillion.exePixillionPixillion Image ConverterNCH SoftwareConvert with PixillionLow
pixillion.exe Pixillion Image ConverterNCH SoftwareConvert sound fileLow
PotPlayerMini64.exePotPlayerPotPlayerKakaoAdd to PotPlayer playlist, open, Play with PotPlayerLow
PowerDVD.exeCyberLink Power Media PlayerPower Media PlayerCyberLink Corp.Odtwarzaj z CyberLink Power Media Player 14Low
PowerDVD12.exeCyberLink Power Media PlayerPower Media PlayerCyberLink Corp.PowerDVD12CommandVerbLow
PsaProxy.exeAdobe Photoshop Album Starter EditionAdobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.2Adobe Systems IncorporatedImport into Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.2Low
RealPlay.exeRealPlayer (32-bit)RealPlayerRealNetworks, Inc.openMedium
ShowTime.exeNero ShowTimeNero ShowTimeNero AGPlayLow
smplayer.exeSMPlayer for Windows (64-bit)SMPlayerRicardo VillalbaEnqueue in SMPlayer, openLow
Spider.exeSpider PlayerSpider PlayerVIT Software, LLCopenLow
SplashProEx.exeSplash PRO EXSplash PRO EXMirillis Ltd.openLow
switch   Convert with Switch Sound File Converter, Convert with Switch Sound File ConverterLow
switch.exeSwitchSwitch Sound File ConverterNCH SoftwareConvert with Switch Sound File ConverterLow
tempoperfect.exeTempoPerfectTempoPerfect Metronome SoftwareNCH SoftwareConvert sound file, Edit sound fileLow
tvp.exeE.M. Total Video PlayerE.M. Total Video Player openLow
videopad.exeVideoPadVideoPad Video EditorNCH SoftwareConvert sound file, Edit sound fileLow
videopad.exe VideoPad Video EditorNCH SoftwareEdit sound fileLow
vlc.exeVLC media playerVLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerVery High
vlc.exe VLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
wavepad.exeWavePadWavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareEdit with WavePad Sound Editor, Convert image file, Edit with WavePad Sound EditorMedium
wavepad.exe WavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareBatch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound Editor, Batch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound EditorMedium
winamp.exe   Enqueue in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Bookmark list, open, Play in WinampLow
winamp.exeWinampWinampNullsoftEnqueue in Winamp, Enqueue Play in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Bookmark list, open, Play in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Media LibraryVery High
WinDVD.exeWinDVD ApplicationWinDVDCorel Corporationopen, Play in WinDVDLow
wmplayer.exeSistema operativo Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayLow
wmplayer.exeMicrosoft? Windows? Operating SystemWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayLow
wmplayer.exeOperativsystemet Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayLow
wmplayer.exe   open, PlayLow
wmplayer.exeSystem operacyjny Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayMedium
wmplayer.exeSistema Operacional Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayLow
wmplayer.exeReproductor de Windows Media de Microsoft(R)Reproductor de Windows MediaMicrosoft CorporationAbrir, ReproducirLow
wmplayer.exeMicrosoft(R) Windows Media PlayerWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft CorporationOpen, PlayMedium
wmplayer.exeBetriebssystem Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporation�ffnen, WiedergabeMedium
wmplayer.exeBesturingssysteem Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayLow
wmplayer.exeMicrosoft� Windows� Operating SystemWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayVery High
XMPlay.exe XMPlayUn4seen DevelopmentsOpen with XMPlayLow
zuikaku.exePotPlayerPotPlayerKakaoAdd to PotPlayer playlist, open, Play with PotPlayerLow
Zune.exeZune�Microsoft ZuneMicrosoft CorporationplayLow

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .mp3 extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
 MP3  mpciconlib.dllMPC-HC Icon Library, MPC-HC TeamLow
 MPEG layer 3audioaudio/mpeg  Low
 MP3 Format Sound  wmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
 MP3 Audio Fileaudio mpciconlib.dll Low
AdobeAudition11_mp3MP3audioaudio/mpegmpciconlib.dllMPC-BE Icon Library, MPC-BE TeamLow
AdobeAudition11_mp3MP3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpeg  Low
AIMP.AssocFile.MP3AIMP: MPEG Layer 3audio aimp_icons.dll Low
AIMP.mp3AIMP3: MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegaimp_icons.dll Low
AVSAUDIOMPEG layer 3    Low
Billy - MP3 FileMP3 - Billy Fileaudioaudio/mpegquartz.dllDirectShow Runtime., Microsoft CorporationLow
BSPlayerFile.MP3KMP - MPEG Layer3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegKIconLib.dllThe KMPlayer IconPack 256, KMP Meida co.,LtdLow
BSPlayerFile.MP3BSplayer fileaudioaudio/mpegbsplayer.exeBS.Player, AB TeamLow
BSPlayerFile.MP3BSplayer PRO fileaudioaudio/mpegbsplayer.exeBS.Player, WebtehLow
CoolPlayer.AudioCoolPlayer Audio fileaudioaudio/mpegcoolplayer.exe Low
FantasyDVD Multimedia FileFantasyDVD Multimedia Fileaudioaudio/mpegFantasyFile.ico Low
FinalMediaPlayer.MP3MP3 Format Sound  wmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
foobar2000.MP3MPEG layer 3audioaudio/mpeg  Low
FreeFileViewer.MP3MP3 Fileaudioaudio/mp3FREEFILEVIEWER.exeFree File Viewer, Bitberry SoftwareLow
HPTSMSMVP.MP3MP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
ifish.mp3ifish media file (.mp3)audioaudio/mpegWinDVD.exeWinDVD, Corel CorporationLow
IrfanView.MP3IrfanView MP3 Fileaudioaudio/mpegi_view32.exeIrfanView, Irfan SkiljanLow
IrfanView.mp3MPEG layer 3    Low
iTunes.mp3MPEG-Layer-3-Audioaudioaudio/mpegiTunes.exeiTunes, Apple Inc.Low
iTunes.mp3MPEG layer 3audioaudio/mpeg  Low
iTunes.mp3MP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationMedium
iTunes.mp3MPEG Layer 3 Audioaudioaudio/mpegiTunes.exeiTunes, Apple Inc.High
iTunes.mp3MP3 audio fileaudioaudio/mpegZuneShellResources.dllZuneShellResource\0, Microsoft CorporationLow
iTunes.mp3VLC media file (.mp3)audioaudio/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamLow
iTunes.mp3�udio MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegiTunes.exeiTunes, Apple Inc.Low
KLCP.BSP.mp3MP3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegbsplayer.exeBS.Player, AB TeamLow
KMPlayer.mp3KMP - MPEG Layer3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegKIconLib.dll Low
KMPlayer.mp3MPEG layer 3audioaudio/mpeg  Low
KMPlayer.mp3AIMP3: MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegSymbolic_Ho.dll Low
KMPlayer64.mp3MP3 Audio File (VLC)audioaudio/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANLow
KMPlayer64.mp3KMP - MPEG Layer3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpeg  Low
LameXP.SupportedAudioFileAIMP: MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegaimp_icons.dll Low
MediaMonkey.MP3FileVLC media file (.mp3)audioaudio/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamLow
MediaMonkey.MP3FileMP3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegMediaMonkey.exeMediaMonkey - Audio Library, Ventis Media Inc.Low
MediaMonkey.MP3FileMP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player-Ressourcen, Microsoft CorporationLow
MMJB.MP3mp3 fileaudioaudio/mpegmmjblaunch.exeMUSICMATCH Jukebox, MUSICMATCH, Inc.Low
mp3fileMP3 Dateiaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.dllWindows Media Player-Ressourcen, Microsoft CorporationLow
mp3fileMP3-Audioformataudioaudio/mpegwmploc.dllWindows Media Player-Ressourcen, Microsoft CorporationLow
mp3fileSonido en formato MP3audioaudio/mpegwmplayer.exeReproductor de Windows Media, Microsoft CorporationLow
mp3fileMPEG Audio Layer IIIaudioaudio/mpegsnd_mp3.ico Low
mp3fileMP3 file audio/mpegQUARTZ.DLLDirectShow Runtime., Microsoft CorporationLow
mp3fileMP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmplayer.exeWindows Media Player, Microsoft CorporationHigh
mp3file audioaudio/mpeg  Low
mp3_auto_file audioaudio/mpeg  Low
mpc-be64.mp3MP3audioaudio/mpegmpciconlib.dllMPC-BE Icon Library, MPC-BE TeamLow
mplayerc.mp3MP3 Fileaudioaudio/mpegmpciconlib.dll Low
mplayerc.mp3MP3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegmpciconlib.dll Low
mplayerc.mp3MP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegmpciconlib.dll Low
mplayerc.mp3MP3    Low
mplayerc64.mp3MP3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegmpciconlib.dll Low
MusicBee.MP3FileMP3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegMusicBee.exeMusicBee, Steven MayallLow
NeroShowTime.Files7.mp3MP3 Audioaudioaudio/mpegShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
NeroShowTime.Files7.mp3MP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
NeroShowTime.Files9.mp3MP3 Audioaudioaudio/mpegShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
PotPlayerMini.MP3MP3 - Fileaudioaudio/mpegPotIcons.dll Low
PotPlayerMini64.MP3MPEG layer 3audioaudio/mpeg  Low
PotPlayerMini64.MP3MP3 - Fileaudioaudio/mpegPotIcons64.dll Low
qvodplayer.mp3 audioaudio/mp3QvodRes.dll Low
RealPlayer.MP3.6MP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mp3wmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
RealPlayer.MP3.6MP3 Audioaudioaudio/mp3realplay.exeRealPlayer, RealNetworks, Inc.Medium
Spider.Player.MP3Spider Player audio file (MP3)audioaudio/mpeg  Low
SplashProEx.MP3MP3 audio fileaudioaudio/mpeg  Low
totalplayer.file audioaudio/mpeg  Low
VLC audioaudio/mpeg  Low
VLC.mp3VLC media fileaudioaudio/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANLow
VLC.mp3MP3 Audio File (VLC)audioaudio/mpeg  Very High
VLC.mp3AIMP: MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegaimp_icons.dll Low
VLC.mp3MP3 audio fileaudioaudio/mpegmpciconlib.dllMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema Icon Library, MPC-HC TeamLow
VLC.mp3MPEG layer 3audioaudio/mpeg  Low
VLC.mp3AIMP3: MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegaimp_icons.dll Low
VLC.mp3MPEG Layer 3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegwinamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
VLC.mp3MPEG Layer 3 Audioaudioaudio/mpegiTunes.exeiTunes, Apple Inc.Low
VLC.mp3Plik audio MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegwinamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
VLC.mp3AIMP2: MPEG Layer 3audio vlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANLow
VLC.mp3 audioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
VLC.mp3VLC media file (.mp3)audioaudio/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamVery High
VLC.mp3MP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationHigh
Winamp.FileWinamp media fileaudioaudio/mpegwinamp.exeWinamp, NullsoftMedium
Winamp.File.MP3 audioaudio/mpeg  Low
Winamp.File.MP3MPEG Layer 3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegwinamp.exeWinamp, NullsoftVery High
Winamp.File.MP3MPEG Layer 3 Audiodateiaudioaudio/mpegwinamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
Winamp.File.MP3MP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationMedium
Winamp.File.MP3Plik audio MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegwinamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3MP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationVery High
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3MP3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegmpciconlib.dll Low
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3ACDSee Pro 2.0 MP3 Audioaudioaudio/mpegID_Media.aplID_Media Plug-in, ACD Systems LtdLow
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3MPEG Layer 3 Audio Fileaudioaudio/mpegwinamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3MP3 Audio File (VLC)audioaudio/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANLow
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3VLC media file (.mp3)audioaudio/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANLow
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3MP3audioaudio/mpegmpc-hc.exeMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, MPC-HC TeamLow
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3Plik audio MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegwinamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3MPEG Layer 3 Audioaudioaudio/mpegiTunes.exeiTunes, Apple Inc.Low
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3AIMP: MPEG Layer 3audioaudio/mpegAIMP_ICONS.DLL Low
WMP11.AssocFile.MP3MPEG layer 3audioaudio/mpeg  Low
XMPlayXMPlay-able fileaudioaudio/mpegXMPlay.exeXMPlay, Un4seen DevelopmentsLow
XMPlay audioaudio/mpeg  Low
ZPMP3FileMP3 Format Soundaudioaudio/mpegwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow

Registry keys related to this extension

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FantasyDVD Multimedia File

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