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.moh Extension - List of programs that can open .moh files

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .moh extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
barillo.exe Barillo Barcode SoftwareNCH SoftwareopenLow
broadcam.exe BroadCam Video Streaming ServerNCH SoftwareopenLow
debut.exe Debut Video Capture SoftwareNCH SoftwareopenLow
doxillion.exeDoxillionDoxillion Document ConverterNCH SoftwareopenLow
keyblaze.exeKeyBlazeKeyBlaze Typing TutorNCH SoftwareopenLow
photostage.exePhotoStagePhotoStage Slideshow ProducerNCH SoftwareopenLow
prism.exe Prism Video ConverterNCH SoftwareopenLow
switch   Convert with Switch Sound File ConverterLow
switch.exeSwitchSwitch Sound File ConverterNCH SoftwareConvert with Switch Sound File Converter, Convert with Switch Sound File ConverterLow
talk.exe Express TalkNCH SoftwareopenLow
tempoperfect.exeTempoPerfectTempoPerfect Metronome SoftwareNCH SoftwareopenLow
wavepad.exe WavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareBatch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound Editor, Batch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound EditorMedium
wavepad.exeWavePadWavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareBatch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound Editor, open, Batch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound EditorMedium

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .moh extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
mohfile     Very High
mohfileUnhandled Extension Handler Finder  shell32.dllWindows Shell Common Dll, Microsoft CorporationMedium
NCH.WavePad.moh   wavepad.exeWavePad Audio-Editor, NCH SoftwareLow
NCH.WavePad.mohUnhandled Extension Handler Finder  wavepad.exeWavePad Sound Editor, NCH SoftwareLow

Registry keys related to this extension


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