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.iso Extension - List of programs that can open .iso files

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .iso extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
7zFM.exe7-Zip7-Zip File ManagerIgor PavlovopenVery High
ALZip.exeALZipALZipESTsoft Corp.OpenLow
broadcam.exe BroadCam Video Streaming ServerNCH SoftwareopenLow
burningstudio2010.exeAshampoo Burning Studio 2010Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010AshampooopenLow
cdbxpp.exeCDBurnerXPCDBurnerXPCanneverbe LimitedOpenLow
Creatorc.exeEasy CD CreatorRoxio EasyCDCreatorRoxioRecord to CDLow
Creatr50.exeEasy CD CreatorRoxio EasyCDCreatorRoxioRecord to CDLow
daemon.exeDAEMON Tools LiteDAEMON Tools LiteDT Soft LtdopenLow
debut.exe Debut Video Capture SoftwareNCH SoftwareopenLow
DTAgent.exeDAEMON Tools UltraDAEMON Tools Ultra AgentDisc Soft LtdopenLow
DTAgent.exeDAEMON Tools ProDAEMON Tools Pro AgentDT Soft LtdopenLow
DTAgent.exeDAEMON Tools LiteDAEMON Tools LiteDisc Soft LtdopenLow
DTLite.exeDAEMON Tools LiteDAEMON Tools LiteDT Soft LtdopenHigh
DTProAgent.exeDAEMON Tools ProDAEMON Tools Pro AgentDT Soft LtdopenLow
DVDDecrypter.exe   Burn using DVD DecrypterLow
EliteUnzip.exeEliteUnzip.exeElite UnzipMindspark Interactive Network, Inc.openLow
Explorer.exeOperativsystemet Microsoft� Windows�UtforskarenMicrosoft CorporationmountLow
Explorer.exeBetriebssystem Microsoft� Windows�Windows-ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationmountLow
Explorer.exeSystem operacyjny Microsoft� Windows�Eksplorator WindowsMicrosoft CorporationmountMedium
Explorer.exeSistema operativo Microsoft� Windows�Explorador de WindowsMicrosoft CorporationmountLow
Explorer.exeBesturingssysteem Microsoft� Windows�Windows VerkennerMicrosoft CorporationmountLow
Explorer.exeMicrosoft� Windows� Operating SystemWindows ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationmountVery High
expressburn.exe Express BurnNCH SoftwareBurn with Express Burn, Burn with Express BurnLow
expressburn.exeExpressBurnExpress Burn Disc Burning SoftwareNCH SoftwareBurn with Express BurnLow
extractnow.exeExtractNowExtractNowNathan MoinvaziriOpenLow
gBurner.exegBurnergBurnergBurner Systems, Inc.openLow
golden.exeGoldenRecordsGolden Records Vinyl to CD ConverterNCH SoftwareExtract with Express ZipLow
ImgBurn.exeImgBurnImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!LIGHTNING UK!Burn using ImgBurn, Burn using ImgBurnVery High
ImgBurn.exe   Burn using ImgBurnLow
InfraRecorder.exeInfraRecorderInfraRecorderChristian KindahlopenLow
inventoria.exe Inventoria Stock ManagerNCH SoftwareExtract with Express ZipLow
isoburn.exeSistema operativo Microsoft� Windows�Strumento di masterizzazione immagini disco di WindowsMicrosoft CorporationburnLow
isoburn.exeMicrosoft� Windows� Operating SystemWindows Disc Image Burning ToolMicrosoft CorporationburnVery High
isoburn.exeMicrosoft? Windows? Operating SystemWindows Disc Image Burning ToolMicrosoft CorporationburnLow
isoburn.exeBesturingssysteem Microsoft� Windows�Windows-hulpprogramma voor het branden van schijfkopiebestandenMicrosoft CorporationburnLow
isoburn.exe   burnLow
IsoBurner.exeActive@ ISO BurnerActive@ ISO Image File Burning SoftwareLSoft Technologies Inc.Burn ISO File, openLow
IsoBuster.exeIsoBusterThe Ultimate CD/DVD Recovery toolSmart ProjectsExtract, openHigh
ISORecorder.dllISO RecorderISO RecorderAlex FeinmanopenLow
ISOViewer8.exeCyberLink ISO ViewerCyberLink ISO ViewerCyberLink Corp.OpenLow
keyblaze.exeKeyBlazeKeyBlaze Typing TutorNCH SoftwareBurn with Express Burn, Extract with Express ZipLow
MagicISO.exe   openLow
MagicISO.exeMagicISOMagicISO MakerMagicISO, Inc.openLow
nero.exeNero Burning ROMNero Burning ROMNero AGAbrirHigh
Nero.exe   OpenLow
NeroExpress.exeNero ExpressNero ExpressNero AGOpenLow
photostage.exePhotoStagePhotoStage Slideshow ProducerNCH SoftwareBurn with Express Burn, Extract with Express ZipLow
Power2Go.exePower2GoPower2GoCyberLink Corp.OpenMedium
POWERARC.EXEPowerArchiver 2010PowerArchiver 2010ConeXware, Inc.OpenLow
POWERARC.EXEPowerArchiver 2012PowerArchiver 2012ConeXware, Inc.OpenLow
PowerISO.exePowerISOPowerISOPowerISO Computing, Inc.openHigh
RecordNow.exeRecordNowRecordNow! openLow
Roxio_Central33.exe Roxio Creator openLow
Roxio_Central36.exe Roxio Creator openLow
runemacs.exeEmacsGNU Emacs: The extensible self-documenting text editorFree Software Foundationhex dump with Emacs, OpenLow
smplayer_portable.exe   Enqueue in SMPlayer, openLow
StartNE.exeNeroExpress 2016 StarterNeroExpress 2016 StarterNero AGopenLow
TUGZip.exeTUGZipTUGZip archiver OpenLow
UltraISO.exeUltraISO PremiumUltraISO PremiumEZB Systems, Inc.Open with UltraISOMedium
UMDGen.exe   openLow
uniextract.exe Universal Extractor UniExtract Files..., UniExtract Here, UniExtract to SubdirHigh
VCDMount.exeElaborate Bytes VCDMountMount Files with Virtual CloneDriveElaborate Bytes AGMountHigh
VhdManager.exe Simple Vhd Managerwww.sordum.orgMZ_VHD_MANAGERLow
videopad.exeVideoPadVideoPad Video EditorNCH SoftwareAdd to VideoPad Project, Burn with Express Burn, Extract with Express Zip, Stabilize Video, Add to VideoPad Project, Stabilize VideoLow
vlc.exeVLC media playerVLC media player 2.0.1VideoLANAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play with VLC media playerMedium
vmnt.exeWinCDEmuWinCDEmu MounterBazisopen, Select drive letter mountLow
vmnt64.exeWinCDEmuWinCDEmu MounterBazisopen, Select drive letter mountMedium
wavepad.exeWavePadWavePad Audio-EditorNCH SoftwareMit Express Burn brennenLow
WinArchiver.exeWinArchiverWinArchiverPower Software LtdopenLow
winimage.exe WinImage application file Extract, openLow
WinISO.exeWinISOWinISOWinISO Computing Inc.Open, Open with WinISOLow
WinRAR.exe WinRAR archiverAlexander RoshalopenMedium
WinRAR.exeWinRARWinRAR archiverAlexander RoshalopenVery High
WinRARPortable.exeWinRAR PortableWinRAR PortablePerkedleAppsopenLow
WINZIP32.EXEWinZipWinZipWinZip Computing, S.L.Open with WinZip, printLow
WinZipper.exeWinZipperWinZipper applicationTaiwan Shui Mu Chih Ching Technology Limited.openLow

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .iso extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
 CD-Image file  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
 Disc Image File  ImgBurn.exeImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!, LIGHTNING UK!Low
 Image Files  _D82A043B_7634_4ED6_8EEC_B082CCEFDBE2InstallShield, Acresso Software Inc.Low
7-Zip.isoPowerISO File  PowerISO.exePowerISO, Power Software LtdLow
7-Zip.iso   7z.dll7z Standalone Plugin, Igor PavlovLow
7-Zip.isoDisc Image File  imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow
7-Zip.isoiso Archive  7z.dll7z Standalone Plugin, Igor PavlovVery High
::RecordNow.ISOISO Image file  RecordNow.exe Low
AlcoholImageFile   shell32.dllWindows Shell Common Dll, Microsoft CorporationLow
Bandizip.isoKomprimierte Datei (ISO)    Low
BazisVirtualCD.ISO   WinCDEmu.ico Low
BazisVirtualCD.IsoISO CD/DVD image  shell32.dllWindows Shell Common Dll, Microsoft CorporationLow
DAEMON.Tools.LiteDisc Image File  imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow
DAEMON.Tools.Lite   daemon.exeDAEMON Tools Lite, DT Soft LtdHigh
DAEMON.Tools.Pro   DTPro.exeDAEMON Tools Pro, DT Soft LtdMedium
DAEMON.Tools.Ultra   DTUltra.exeDAEMON Tools Ultra, Disc Soft LtdLow
DAEMON.Tools.UltraWinRAR archive  shell32.dllWindows Shell Common Dll, Microsoft CorporationLow
EasyCDCreator.DiscImage.5Easy CD Creator Image File    Low
EasyCDCreator.DiscImage.6Easy CD Creator Image File    Low
elby.VCDMount.1     Low
elby.VCDMount.1iso Archive  7z.dll7z Plugin, Igor PavlovLow
elby.VCDMount.1Virtual CloneDrive    Medium
elby.VCDMount.1Disc Image Filecompressed isoburn.exeWindows Disc Image Burning Tool, Microsoft CorporationLow
euz.iso   Resources.dllResources, Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.Low
ExtractNowExtractNow File    Low
gBurnergBurner File  gBurner.exegBurner, gBurner Systems, Inc.Low
ImgBurn.AssocFile.isoDisc Image File  ImgBurn.exeImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!, LIGHTNING UK!Low
ImgBurn.AssocFile.isoImage File  ImgBurn.exeImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!, LIGHTNING UK!Low
irdiscimageInfraRecorder disc image  InfraRecorder.exeInfraRecorder, Christian KindahlLow
ISOPowerISO Plik  PowerISO.exePowerISO, Power Software LtdLow
iso-fileISO Image    Low
IsoBurner.DocumentActive@ ISO Burner  IsoBurner.exeActive@ ISO Image File Burning Software, LSoft Technologies Inc.Low
IsoBuster.iso.iso Image file  IsoBuster.exeThe Ultimate CD/DVD Recovery tool, Smart ProjectsLow
IsoBuster.isoISO Image  IsoBuster.exeThe Ultimate Data Recovery tool, Smart ProjectsHigh
isofileVirtual CloneDrive    Low
isofile     Medium
isofileISO File  Power2Go.exePower2Go, CyberLink Corp.Medium
isofileISO Fichier  Power2Go.exePower2Go, CyberLink Corp.Low
isoRCCopy33.FileISO Image File  Roxio_Central33.exe Low
isoRCCopy36.FileISO Image File  Roxio_Central36.exe Low
isoRCCopy36.FileDisc Image File  isoburn.exeWindows Disc Image Burning Tool, Microsoft CorporationLow
iso_auto_fileISO-9660 CD-ROM Disc Image application/x-iso9660-imageImgBurn.exeImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!, LIGHTNING UK!Low
KMPlayer.isoWinRAR archive  WinRAR.exeWinRAR archiver, Alexander RoshalLow
KuaiZipMount.iso     Low
LeawoBPlayer.isoDisc Image File  imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow
MagicISO.DocumentMagicISO Document    Medium
MPlayerFileVideoMPlayer Video File  smplayer_portable.exe Low
Nero.BurningROM.12.iso.1     Low
Nero.Express.15.iso.2UltraISO soubor  UltraISO.exeUltraISO Premium, EZB Systems, Inc.Low
Nero.Express.2016.iso.2   nero.exeNero Burning ROM 2016, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files7.isoImage-Dateien  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files7.isoPowerISO File  PowerISO.exePowerISO, Power Software LtdLow
NeroBurningROM.Files7.isoImage Files  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files8.isoNero Burning ROM    Low
NeroBurningROM.Files8.isoArchivos de imagen  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files8.isoCD-Image file  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files8.isoArquivos de Imagem  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files9.isoImage Files    Medium
NeroBurningROM.Files9.isoImage-Dateien  Nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroExpress.Files7.isoImage-Dateien    Low
NeroExpress.Files7.isoImage File  ImgBurn.exeImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!, LIGHTNING UK!Low
NeroExpress.Files7.isoFicheiros de imagem  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroExpress.Files7.isoImage Files  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroExpress.Files9.isoImage Files  NeroExpress.exeNero Express, Nero AGLow
NeroExpress.Files9.isoDisc Image File  isoburn.exeStrumento di masterizzazione immagini disco di Windows, Microsoft CorporationLow
PAISOPowerArchiver ISO File    Low
PAISOPowerISO File  PowerISO.exePowerISO, Power Software LtdLow
Power2Go8.0isofileISO Datei  ISOViewer8.exeCyberLink ISO Viewer, CyberLink Corp.Low
PowerISOPowerISO Plik  PowerISO.exePowerISO, Power Software LtdLow
PowerISODisc Image File  isoburn.exeWindows Disc Image Burning Tool, Microsoft CorporationLow
PowerISOPowerISO File  PowerISO.exePowerISO, PowerISO Computing, Inc.Medium
TzISOTUGZip ISO image  TzRes.dll Low
UltraISOUltraISO File  UltraISO.exeUltraISO Premium, EZB Systems, Inc.Medium
UMDGen.Document     Low
UniExtractUniversal Extractor Archive    Low
VLC.isoVLC media file  vlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANLow
VLC.isoISO Other File (VLC)  vlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANLow
VLC.isoDisc Image File  imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow
VLC.isoPowerISO Plik  PowerISO.exePowerISO, Power Software LtdLow
WinArchiver.ISOWinArchiver ISO File  WinArchiver.exeWinArchiver, Power Software LtdLow
Windows.IsoFileDisc Image File  isoburn.exeWindows Disc Image Burning Tool, Microsoft CorporationVery High
Windows.IsoFileWinRAR archive  WinRAR.exeWinRAR archiver, Alexander RoshalLow
WinImageIsoWinImage ISO    Low
WinImageIsoVirtual CloneDrive application/x-cd-imagewinimage.exe Low
WinImageIsoDisc Image File  imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow
WinImageIso   winimage.exe Low
WinISOCD Image File    Low
WinISOWinRAR archive  WINRAR.EXEWinRAR archiver, Alexander RoshalLow
WinRARWinRAR archiv  WinRAR.exeWinRAR, Alexander RoshalLow
WinRARArchiwum WinRARa  WinRAR.exeArchiwizer WinRAR, Alexander RoshalLow
WinRARWinRAR archive  WinRAR.exeWinRAR archiver, Alexander RoshalVery High
WinRARArchivio WinRAR  WinRAR.exeGestione archivi WinRAR, Alexander RoshalLow
WinRARWinRAR-Archiv  WinRAR.exeWinRAR archiver, Alexander RoshalMedium
WinRARArchive WinRAR    Low
WinZipWinZip File  WINZIP32.EXEWinZip, WinZip Computing, S.L.Low
WinZipDisc Image File  isoburn.exeWindows Disc Image Burning Tool, Microsoft CorporationLow
WinZipper.isoWinZipper  WinZipper.exeWinZipper application, Taiwan Shui Mu Chih Ching Technology Limited.Low

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