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.dcm Extension - List of programs that can open .dcm files

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .dcm extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
Atari800Win.exeAtari800Win PLusAn Atari 8-bit emulator for Win32jaskier@atari8.infoopenLow
FREEFILEVIEWER.exeFree File ViewerFree File ViewerBitberry SoftwareopenLow
FreeOpener.exeFree OpenerFree Opener openLow
gimp-2.10.exeGNU Image Manipulation ProgramGNU Image Manipulation ProgramSpencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development TeamEdit with GIMPLow
gimp-2.6.exe   openMedium
gimp-2.8.exeGNU Image Manipulation ProgramGNU Image Manipulation ProgramSpencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development TeamopenMedium
IsoBuster.exeIsoBusterIsoBuster - The Ultimate Data Recovery softwareSmart ProjectsExtract, openMedium
i_view32.exeIrfanViewIrfanViewIrfan SkiljanopenVery High
i_view32.exeIrfanView 32-bitIrfanView 32-bitIrfan SkiljanopenMedium
i_view32.exe   openLow
i_view64.exeIrfanView 64-bitIrfanView 64-bitIrfan SkiljanopenMedium
i_view64.exeIrfanView 64-bit for Win7, Win8, Win10, Win11IrfanView 64-bitIrfan SkiljanopenMedium
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2024Adobe Photoshop 2024Adobeedit, open, preview, printLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2019Adobe Photoshop CC 2019Adobe Systems Incorporatededit, open, preview, printLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2018Adobe Photoshop CC 2018Adobe Systems Incorporatededit, open, preview, printLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2023Adobe Photoshop 2023Adobeedit, open, preview, printLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2021Adobe Photoshop 2021Adobeedit, open, preview, printLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2022Adobe Photoshop 2022Adobeedit, open, preview, printLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2020Adobe Photoshop 2020Adobeedit, open, preview, printLow
Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2025Adobe Photoshop 2025Adobeedit, open, preview, printLow

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .dcm extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
Atari8.dskAtari 8-bit Disk Image  Atari800Win.exeAn Atari 8-bit emulator for Win32, jaskier@atari8.infoLow
DailyCashManagerFileIrfanView DCM File  i_view32.exeIrfanView, Irfan SkiljanLow
dcm_auto_file     Low
dicomfileDICOM Image application/dicomdocument.ico Low
FreeFileViewer.DCMDCM File  FREEFILEVIEWER.exeFree File Viewer, Bitberry SoftwareLow
FreeOpenerFree Opener association  free_opener_128.ico Low
GIMP-2.0-dicomDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine  gimp-2.6.exe Medium
GIMP-2.8-dicomIrfanView DCM File  i_view32.exeIrfanView, Irfan SkiljanLow
GIMP-2.8-dicomDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine  gimp-2.8.exeGNU Image Manipulation Program, Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development TeamMedium
IrfanView.DCMIrfanView DCM File  i_view32.exeIrfanView, Irfan SkiljanVery High
IsoBuster.dcmIrfanView DCM File  i_view32.exeIrfanView 32-bit, Irfan SkiljanMedium
IsoBuster.dcmImage file  Icons.dllAdditional icons for IrfanView - Creative Commons, Florian KilzerLow
IsoBuster.dcmIsoBuster Disk Image  IsoBuster.exeIsoBuster - The Ultimate Data Recovery software, Smart ProjectsLow
IsoBuster.dcmDreamcast MC Image  IsoBuster.exeIsoBuster - The Ultimate Data Recovery software, Smart ProjectsMedium
Photoshop.DCMFileType.130Adobe Photoshop DCMFileType.130  Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2019, Adobe Systems IncorporatedLow
Photoshop.DCMFileType.140Adobe Photoshop DCMFileType.140  Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2020, AdobeLow
Photoshop.DCMFileType.150IrfanView DCM File  i_view64.exeIrfanView 64-bit, Irfan SkiljanLow
Photoshop.DCMFileType.150Adobe Photoshop DCMFileType.150  Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2021, AdobeLow
Photoshop.DCMFileType.160Adobe Photoshop DCMFileType.160  Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2022, AdobeLow
Photoshop.DCMFileType.170Adobe Photoshop DCMFileType.170  Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2023, AdobeLow
Photoshop.DCMFileType.180Adobe Photoshop DCMFileType.180  Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2024, AdobeLow
Photoshop.DCMFileType.19Adobe Photoshop DCMFileType.19  Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop CC 2018, Adobe Systems IncorporatedLow
Photoshop.DCMFileType.190Adobe Photoshop DCMFileType.190  Photoshop.exeAdobe Photoshop 2025, AdobeLow

Registry keys related to this extension


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