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.caf Extension - List of programs that can open .caf files

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .caf extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
amp.exe   Add to FLV and Media Player's Playlist, Play, Play with FLV and Media PlayerLow
Audacity.exeAudacityAudacityAudacity TeamopenLow
Cathy.exeCathy ApplicationCathy MFC ApplicationRobert VasicekopenLow
FINALMEDIAPLAYER.exeFinal Media PlayerFinal Media PlayerBitberry SoftwareopenLow
GOM.EXEGOMPLAYERGOM PlayerGOM & CompanyAdd to GOM Player, openLow
GOM64.EXEGOM Player PlusGOM Player PlusGOM & CompanyAdd to GOM Player Plus, openLow
GOM64.EXEGOMPLAYERPLUSGOM Player PlusGOM & CompanyAdd to GOM Player Plus, openLow
keyblaze.exeKeyBlazeKeyBlaze Typing TutorNCH SoftwareConvert sound file, Edit sound fileLow
MPC-HC.exeMPC-HCMPC-HCMPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC playlist, Play with MPC-HCLow
mpc-hc64.exeMPC-HCMPC-HC x64MPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC playlist, Play with MPC-HCMedium
mpc-hc64_nvo.exeMPC-HCMPC-HC x64MPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC playlist, Play with MPC-HCLow
mpc-hc_nvo.exeMPC-HCMPC-HCMPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC playlist, Play with MPC-HCLow
photostage.exePhotoStagePhotoStage Slideshow ProducerNCH SoftwareConvert sound file, Edit sound fileLow
QuickTimePlayer.exeQuickTimeQuickTime PlayerApple Computer, Inc.openVery High
QuickTimePlayer.exe   openLow
switch.exeSwitchSwitch Sound File ConverterNCH SoftwareConvert with Switch Sound File Converter, Convert with Switch Sound File ConverterLow
vlc.exeVLC media playerVLC media player 2.0.1VideoLANAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerVery High
wavepad.exeWavePadWavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareBearbeiten mit WavePad Audio-Editor, Sounddatei konvertieren, Bearbeiten mit WavePad Audio-EditorMedium
winamp.exeWinampWinampNullsoftEnqueue in Winamp, Enqueue Play in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Bookmark list, open, Play in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Media LibraryVery High
winamp.exe   Enqueue in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Bookmark list, open, Play in WinampLow
wmplayer.exeBetriebssystem Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, Play with WMPLow
wmplayer.exeSistema Operacional Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, Play with WMPLow
wmplayer.exeSystem operacyjny Microsoft� Windows�Windows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, Play with WMPLow
wmplayer.exeMicrosoft� Windows� Operating SystemWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, Play with WMPMedium

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .caf extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
 CAF Audio  QuickTimePlayer.exeQuickTime Player, Apple Inc.Low
.caf_auto_file   shell32.dllWindows Shell Common Dll, Microsoft CorporationLow
ApplianMP.cafFLV and Media Player media file (.caf)    Low
caffile     Low
caf_auto_file     Low
FinalMediaPlayer.CAFFinalMediaPlayer CAF File    Low
GOMPlayerPlus.cafGOM Media file(.caf)audio icon.dll Low
KLCP.WMP.cafCAF Audio Fileaudio imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationMedium
KLCP.WMP64.cafCAF Audio Fileaudio imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow
KLCP.WMP64.cafFormat pliku Apple Core Audioaudio winamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
mplayerc.cafCAF Audio Fileaudio mpciconlib.dll Low
mplayerc64.cafCAF Audio Fileaudio mpciconlib.dll Medium
QuickTime.caf  audio/x-caf  Low
QuickTime.cafVLC media file (.caf) audio/x-cafvlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANLow
QuickTime.cafCAF audio file audio/x-cafQuickTimePlayer.exeQuickTime Player, Apple Computer, Inc.Low
QuickTime.cafCAF Audio audio/x-cafQuickTimePlayer.exeQuickTime Player, Apple Inc.Very High
VLC     Low
VLC.cafApple Core Audio Format  winamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
VLC.cafGOM Media file(.caf)  Icon.dll Low
VLC.cafVLC media fileaudio vlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANMedium
VLC.cafCAF Audio File (VLC)  vlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLANVery High
VLC.cafCAF Audio Fileaudio imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationMedium
VLC.cafVLC media file (.caf)  vlc.exeVLC media player 2.0.1, VideoLANVery High
VLC.cafFormat pliku Apple Core Audioaudio winamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
Winamp.FileWinamp media file audio/x-cafwinamp.exeWinamp, NullsoftLow
Winamp.File.CAFFormat pliku Apple Core Audioaudio winamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
Winamp.File.cafApple Core Audio Format audio/x-cafwinamp.exeWinamp, NullsoftVery High
Winamp.File.CAFGOM Media file(.caf)  Icon.dll Low
Winamp.File.caf     Low
Winamp.File.cafApple Core Audioformat  winamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
Winamp.File.CAFCAF Audio Fileaudio imageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow

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