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.URL Extension - List of programs that can open .URL files

In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .URL extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility.
The product name, description, and company name are taken from the version information of the .exe file.The 'Actions' list is taken from the context menu items added to Explorer by the specified program.The 'Popularity' column displays one of the following 4 values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High, which is determined according to the number of users that sent the specified record.

EXE NameProduct NameDescriptionCompanyActionsPopularity
AkelPad.exe   EditLow
chrome.exeCent BrowserCent BrowserCent StudioopenLow
chrome.exeGoogle ChromeGoogle ChromeGoogle LLCopenLow
firefox.exeFirefoxFirefoxMozilla CorporationopenMedium
ieframe.dllWindows� Internet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationopenHigh
IEXPLORE.EXEWindows� Internet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationopenLow
iexplore.exeMicrosoft� Windows� Operating SystemInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationopenLow
mshtml.dllWindows� Internet ExplorerMicrosoft (R) HTML ViewerMicrosoft Corporationprint, printtoHigh
mshtml.dllMicrosoft� Windows� Operating SystemMicrosoft (R) HTML ViewerMicrosoft Corporationprint, printtoMedium
MSHTML.DLLMicrosoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating SystemMicrosoft (R) HTML ViewerMicrosoft Corporationprint, printtoLow
msohtmed.exeMicrosoft Office 2003Microsoft Office 2003 componentMicrosoft CorporationEdit, PrintLow
Notepad++.exeNotepad++Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editorDon HO don.h@free.frEdit with Notepad++Low
NOTEPAD.EXESistema operativo Microsoft� Windows�Bloco de notasMicrosoft CorporationEditarLow
notepad.exe   EditerLow
Opera.exeOpera Internet BrowserOpera Internet BrowserOpera SoftwareopenLow
pdfcreator.exePDFCreatorPDFCreatorpdfforge PDF and Bitmap Files with PDFCreatorMedium
rundll32.exeMicrosoft? Windows? Operating SystemRun a DLL as an AppMicrosoft Corporationopen, print, printtoLow
rundll32.exeSistema operacional Microsoft� Windows�Executa uma DLL como um aplicativoMicrosoft Corporationopen, print, printtoMedium
rundll32.exeSistema operativo Microsoft� Windows�Processo host di Windows (Rundll32)Microsoft CorporationOpen, print, printtoMedium
rundll32.exeBetriebssystem Microsoft� Windows�Windows-Hostprozess (Rundll32)Microsoft CorporationOpen, print, printtoHigh
rundll32.exeBesturingssysteem Microsoft� Windows�Windows-hostproces (Rundll32)Microsoft CorporationOpen, print, printtoLow
rundll32.exeSystem operacyjny Microsoft� Windows�Proces hosta systemu Windows (Rundll32)Microsoft CorporationOpen, print, printtoMedium
rundll32.exeMicrosoft� Windows� Operating SystemWindows host process (Rundll32)Microsoft CorporationOpen, print, printtoVery High
rundll32.exe   Open, print, printtoLow
shdocvw.dllMicrosoft� Windows� Operating SystemShell Doc Object and Control LibraryMicrosoft CorporationOpenMedium
shdocvw.dllMicrosoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating SystemShell Doc Object and Control LibraryMicrosoft CorporationopenLow
Steam.exe   openLow
TaskbarPinner.exeTaskbarPinnerTaskbarPinnerhttp://winaero.comPin with TaskBarPinnerLow

In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .URL extension.

Type NameDescriptionPerceived TypeContentTypeDLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE DetailsPopularity
FirefoxHTMLFirefox Document    Low
FirefoxURLFirefox URL  firefox.exeFirefox, Mozilla CorporationLow
InternetShortcut   url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationVery High
InternetShortcutsome bullshit  url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationLow
InternetShortcutInternet-parancsikon  url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationLow
InternetShortcutRaccourci Internet  url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationMedium
InternetShortcutCollegamento Internet  url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationLow
InternetShortcutInternet Shortcut  url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationVery High
InternetShortcutAtalho da Internet  url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationMedium
InternetShortcutFirefox URL  firefox.exeFirefox, Mozilla CorporationLow
InternetShortcutAcceso directo a Internet  url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationMedium
InternetShortcutInternetgenvej  url.dllInternet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL, Microsoft CorporationLow
Opera.HTMLOpera HTML Document  opera.exeOpera Internet Browser, Opera SoftwareLow
Opera.HTMLHTML Document    Low
Opera.HTMLOpera Web Document    Low

Registry keys related to this extension


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If you are looking for information about another extension, you can try to find it in the following alphabetic list:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Others |